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TS System is an integrated part of the IFMS (Integrated Financial Management system) that provides the functionality of preparing Detailed Estimates and Digitally signed Technical Sanction from the competent authorities. Later the system also provides the functionality of Preparing BOQ and records BID Sysytem and its details.
Preparation of Technical Sanction
Prepare Detailed Estimate:
The Division can prepare detailed estimates or can assign subordinate users to prepare Detailed Estimate of any work based on BSR Items defined in BSR System. The system is flexible to create detailed estimates before or after the A&F/Sanction Approval as per the requirements of the department.
Generate Technical Sanction:
The System is capable of generating digitally signed TS by competent authority based on Detail Estimate consisting of BSR and Non-BSR Items. (If the Detailed Estimate consists of Non-BSR Items, then they must be verified by competent authority before Generating Technical Sanction.)
Prepare BOQ:
The system also provide functionality of preparing BOQ by clubing sections of multiple Technical Sanctions, which can be used for the E-PROC/SPPP System. It also captures the refernce Id of the corresponding BID System.